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How can we use natural resources to positively impact local communities?​​
MFC 7.0 - School Year 2024/2025
Welcome school year 2024-2025! We have some new and exciting things happening with MFC this year:
Schenck High School in East Millinocket will be re-joining as part of UMaine Farmington's early college course Wildlife Ecology & Conservation.
Tri-County Tech Center will be the first technical school to join MFC as part of its Outdoor Leadership class.
Greenville Consolidated School will be transitioning its MFC program to pilot an adapted middle school program with Tremont Consolidated School on Mount Desert Island.
Belfast Area High School, Ecology Learning Center, Piscataquis Community Secondary School, and Telstar High School will all be returning to MFC this year.
This year, our first cohort day will be held at Maine Local Living School where students will get to connect with natural resources first hand, learn about how forests can be used for non-timber forest products and long term management.
Telstar High School
Stay tuned!
Belfast Area High School
Stay tuned!
Schenck High School
Stay tuned!
Tri County Technical Center
Stay tuned!
Ecology Learning Center
Stay tuned!
Piscataquis Community Secondary School
Piscataquis students are working on the challenge of recreational trail access. They are examining the limited trail access between the towns of Guilford and Dexter. Currently, the only access permitted between the two towns is via a trail that is accessible by snowmobiles in winter or via the road. Students are exploring ways to increase access to the summer months to allow ATVs to travel between the towns.
Greenville Consolidated School
Stay tuned!
Tremont Consolidated School
Stay tuned!
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