I wanted to give one more shout out to our fall MFC schools who had a great semester!
Telstar presented their project to 7 community partners and the entire 7th grade team! Roberta Hill, our primary design team member at CEBE also just shared this great video about the big picture challenge of inland flooding that features our Telstar EP students,check it out here!
Belfast students also did a great job presenting their project to our number one design team member, Aleta McKeage, whose expertise was invaluable throughout this project.
We also welcome our spring MFC classes, Telstar Environmental Policy class semester 2 and the MFC class at Piscataquis Community Secondary School!
Our biggest update is perhaps our upcoming cohort day at UMaine Orono during which:
→ Students will share their project, get feedback, and discuss the benefits, challenges, and opportunities of being a young adult living in rural Maine.
→ Students will get to play chess with a robotic arm and get a brief overview of what goes into programming it and how it relates to open research problems
→Students will learn about and get to create with nanocellulose, a non-toxic bio-based material made of plant fibers that is being researched for use in products ranging from fire extinguisher foam and replacement bone material, to sustainable packaging.
We were graciously awarded funds from Maine Technology Institute to sponsor schools to spend the night and engage in even deeper learning at UMaine. Two of our schools, PCSS and Schenck students will join us for this and will learn about social science, engage in an electronics class, learn about the School of Forest Resources, see a show at the planetarium, climb at the climbing wall, tour campus and learn about Early College opportunities, eat at the dining hall, meet with a panel of undergrads, and visit the Process Development Center.

Middle schoolers just met with their first community partners on their project!

Jim Ferrante, District Forester visited Greenville last week and talked with students about forest threats including invasive species, like beech leaf disease, and emerald ash borer. On our woods walk, he identified shrubby honeysuckle and Norway maple on campus, and had students practice some basic tree ID.

Tremont's 7th and 8th grade classes had a great visit with Tatia Bauer of Maine Coast Heritage Trust and Jesse Wheeler of the National Park Service this week! Students learned about marsh restoration and how they can get involved in ongoing projects and help inform future

projects. Here are some photos of them collecting salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen in the marsh!
In the News

Maine groups map out 10-year plan for state's outdoor recreation sector
Spread across the state, the industry contributed $3.3 billion to Maine’s economy in 2023 — 3.7% of the gross domestic product — the sixth largest share in the nation.

Former paper mill site in Millinocket is becoming hub for renewable energy production
The plant, to be built on a greenfield site within One North, the former Great Northern paper mill location, would be built to produce up to 20 million gallons of “fast pyrolysis bio-oil” annually, according to a news release. ->>> Full article

One Giant Leap: The world's first wooden satellite is orbiting Earth
NASA reveals a huge milestone in the LignoSat probe as researchers look to remove all aluminum parts in future CubeSats.->>> Full article
Engagement Opportunities
Climate & Me Youth Leadership Summit

This all-day event will include student-led workshop sessions, time to meet and connect with other students, and opportunities to build skills and a library of climate action resources. Students will have the chance to hear from other young climate leaders and experts about how to drive action and change in their schools and communities. Featured speakers and agenda updates will be announced soon!
Where? Wells Conference Center on the University of Maine Orono campus (131 Munson Road, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04473)
When? Friday, April 4th, 2025. Check-in/breakfast begin at 8am; Summit will begin at 9am and end at 5pm.
How can you register? Form a cohort with one to two adult leaders (for example, a teacher, administrator, school staff member) and 2-10 students from your high school. No prior experience in running a climate project at your school is necessary! Then, register here by March 3rd.
Grant Opportunities

Climate Education Professional Development
Application is due March 21, 2025. The Maine Dept. of Education is excited to release the third round of Climate Education Professional Development grant funds for climate-related professional learning for Maine educators and local education providers. These grants are a direct result of the success of LD 1902 Climate Education Bill that MEEA championed along with many other organizations in Maine!
Program Type 1: $5,000 and $30,000, host learning opportunities for local educators and staff with a partner organization
Program Type 2: $5,000 and $100,000, host a regional professional learning summit for educators and staff
For Students

Free Fishing Weekend Feb 15-16th
Looking for a place to go? Check out our monthly fishing report or view the stocking report to see where we stocked fish this fall.
Wondering what gear you need to get started and what to do when you arrive? View our Beginner's Guide to Ice Fishing in Maine.
Have other questions about ice fishing? Check out these frequently asked questions and answers.
Is a learn to ice fish clinic more your style? Join us at our Winter Outdoor Extravaganza on Saturday, February 15 at Range Pond State Park in Poland.
Want to freshen up your ice safety knowledge? View these ice safety tips and remember to always check the ice for yourself.

Maine 4-H Agriculture Ambassador Program
Maine 4-H is launching a new session cohort for interested eligible youth for the Maine 4-H Agricultural Ambassadors program! The program is designed for youth ages 14-18 who are interested in any aspect of agriculture. Youth spend time getting to know each other and learn both online and in-person in sessions facilitated by UMaine 4-H Staff and community partners. Sessions will focus on career exploration, exploring the Maine Food System with farm and production visits around the state, and building relationships with industry professionals. Learn more & Register here!

Sara's Scholarship
If you know a Maine high school freshman or sophomore who is interested in a FREE summer backpacking, kayaking, or fly fishing trip, have them apply to Sara's Scholarship! NEW THIS YEAR: Two students will be awarded free access to Maine Trout Unlimited Trout Camp. This camp offers an exciting opportunity for students to learn about fly fishing, fly tying, resource sustainability, the effects of climate change, the importance of native fish, and how they can become leaders in these vital areas.Applicants must be a freshman or sophomore student at a Maine high school that is currently registered with Teens to Trails. Applications will be accepted through March 7.To learn more about Sara's Scholarship or to read the stories of past winners, visit here.
For Teachers

Forests of Maine Teacher Tour!
Join the Forests of Maine Teachers' Tours, one of Maine TREE's most popular programs, to immerse yourself in a four-day educational experience focusing on the growth, harvest, and processing of wood products in Maine.This experience prepares classroom teachers, Scout leaders, conservation organization staff, and other educators with new ideas and approaches to implement forest-based education activities with your students, colleagues, and communities.During the tour, you will:
Engage in Project Learning Tree standards-aligned curriculum and activities
Learn from professionals working in the woods
Develop innovative ideas for bringing the forest to the classroom or the classroom to the forest.
Earn up to 30 contact hours toward your continuing education requirement for teacher certification renewal. Apply here!

Teacher Institute for Watershed Science and Conservation
This July, The Teacher Institute for Watershed Science and Conservation will take place for its fifth annual summer at River Bend Farm in Saco, Maine. Through application of The Ecology School’s pedagogy and teaching techniques developed through 20+ years of award-winning outdoor science lessons, attendees will be invited to learn how to bring more of their teaching and learning outdoors while exploring how water connects us all! For More Information, visit The Teacher Institute website.Thanks to the generosity of Poland Spring, The Ecology School is thrilled to offer this FREE event to K-12 educators from across the United States! Additionally, up to $500 of travel will be reimbursed, $250 stipend (plus a second $250 contingent on post-Institute implementation), 30 professional recertification hours, potential to earn university credit, and some additional scholarship funding. Spots are limited, applications are open now!Apply to The Teacher Institute for Watershed Science and Conservation

Wabanaki Studies Workshop
FREE 3-part virtual and in-person seriesMarch - May 2025Offered in southern Maine, Bangor area, and northern MaineEducators will be led through current Wabanaki studies resources available like the MOOSE Modules and Wabanaki Studies Framework. Participants are eligible for a $50 travel stipend to attend the in person session.REGISTER HERE
Cohort 1: Southern Maineco-host with White Pine Programs
VIRTUAL: March 3, 4 - 5pm, virtual
IN-PERSON: March 15, 10 - 12pm, at York Public Library
VIRTUAL: April 29, 4-5:30 (virtual)
Cohort 2: Northern Maine
VIRTUAL: March 11, 4 - 5 pm
IN-PERSON: Northern Maine Location TBD
VIRTUAL: May 13, 4 - 5:30pm
Cohort 3: Bangor Area
VIRTUAL: March 31, 4 - 5pm
IN-PERSON: Bangor Area Location TBD
VIRTUAL: May 20, 4 - 5:30pm

Smart Greenhouse Program
MMSA is recruiting 10 middle and high school educators for Smart Greenhouses, a newly NSF-funded MMSA project where plant science meets computer science!
The program begins with a summer institute at Husson University in Bangor in July, where teachers will receive 5 days of hands-on training with our Smart Greenhouse kits. Then, during the 2025-26 and 2026-27 school years, you’ll get to implement and adapt the NGSS-aligned curriculum in your classroom.
As part of this two-year commitment, you’ll receive:
Free Smart Greenhouse kits for your classroom
$7,000 in stipends for participation
Ongoing support from the MMSA team throughout the project
This opportunity is open to educators from any STEM discipline. Any level of computer science experience is welcome (none is fine too!)

Wabanaki Webinar Series
Join Wabanaki speakers via zoom on a variety of topics ranging from Language Revitalization to Tribal Sovereignty for the Wabanaki Nations in our Homelands Now Called Maine. Wednesdays 5:30-7:00pm Sign up for sessions here!

Maine Agriculture in the Classroom Teacher Institute
Save the date! August 4th-8th. Check out last year's program here!